Saturday, May 14, 2011

Does meth rot your brain?

Many people wonder if past drug use can mess your brain up so bad that it can impair function years after the fact. Certain drugs can, with enough heavy use for a long enough period of time. Meth is the worst in this regard, and even after quitting the stuff a tweaker can be paranoid and irritable even after a couple decades. This poor guy made the mistake of getting married to someone who tweaked so much her banjo strings came undone.
I work all day, come home to my kids, spend all my time at home with them when I can, yet this nutjob thinks I'm in chat rooms or massage parlors or having an affair with a mexican chick or any other brown girl. Maybe it's all the meth she's done that's rotted her brain. Maybe it's the bad daddy she had that use to dirty touch her sister, or maybe it's the inbred and bald ass farm boy she first married that used to cheat on her with any scab that would give him the time of day. I'll tell ya' what though, I ain't your whippin' post bitch and the shit better stop before I leave your ass high and dry.
I gave him the straight dope on his lovely bride. Dope. Get it? Ha ha ha ha... PAY ATTENTION! It is too late for him, but let his life be a cautionry tale for others. And remember, the cops never proved anything about any alleged drug use that I did, so no pics, it didn't happen. I explained to him:
What were you thinking? That is what you get when you hook up with a tweaker with a train wreck of a past and the baggage that comes with it. Too late for you, chump, but you are a shining example for many young men of what to avoid so they do not mess up their lives. Thanks for the warning!
I really hope he can get free of this banshee, but somehow I feel he will not.

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